Saturday 7 December 2013

Trike 3 on the beach at Pett Level
summer 2013

Thursday 17 May 2012


The sun nears its lowest arc
I won't see three twelves again
I'm failing to find anything else
special about today.
Only the sunshine, the bright white
bars of contrails
the familiar line of the hills emerging
as the last leaves leave.

The Badger on the Beach

The Badger on the Beach

The badger on the beach has gone -
fifty-two days it stayed and decayed.
Every I'd go down and cover it with shingle,
every day someone, some thing,
had got at it, uncovered it, chewed it,
latterly dragged it ten, twenty feet.
Still, at that pace it would have stayed
months more.It was beginning
to seem like an old friend,
a dirty old tramp or a bag lady
and I'd offer it the solace
of a shingle overcoat
to keep the flies and others off.
I knew he wouldn't last.
There's a lot of nature out there
eager to claim......things.......all things